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I installed Office on a new Windows 7 x86 system. This computer is on a domain and all Office programs work fine while logged in as a domain or local administrator. All other user accounts cannot access any Office programs. When I try to open the programs I get the Windows wait circle and then nothing happens.

I have confirmed that this happens on multiple user accounts and so far the only way to resolve the issue is to make the user a local administrator. I do not want to do this so I am looking for a reason as to why this is happening. I have tried uninstalling and re-installing Office already. Any help would be greatly appreciated. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.

I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Previous Next. Logged into PC as domain user to do additional user specific setup and programs don't run as described by J-M0.

UAC is set to allow everything and the only way Office 13 would work is to set our domain user to Administrator. Not acceptable. I have seen where permission had to be set in the registry to allow full control and this did not help and should only be done as a last resort.

If task manager is running while trying to open Word for example , winword. We shouldn't be editing the registry or having to change permissions just to get Office to work. Very frustrating in the fact that I'm assuming this is a licensing controls issue created by MS maybe not. But with each release of MS products, it becomes harder to just install and use. My mistake was not ordering Office which installed and ran just fine. Thanks for your feedback. How satisfied are you with this reply?

Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. I appreciate the confirmation that I am not going crazy! I installed this on another computer at a different site earlier this week and it worked fine. It was a different domain so I wonder if there is something in the domain security settings that Office does not like, but as you said all previous versions of Office worked fine.

We have a bunch more copies of Office coming in next week for the same site that is having this problem so it should be a fun time. Any solution yet? I just ran into the same issue. I imaged my machines and then installed office Now Only an administrator can run office. This is the only forum I could find the problem mentioned. Even Microsoft online help sent me a link to this page. That's right they sent me here with no solution I have to call Pro support tomorrow.

In reply to SeanFichera's post on March 25, I have not come across any proposed solutions yet. If you get anything from your call could you post it back here? Hopefully any solution you receive will apply to all of us. In reply to J-M0's post on March 26, None here as well, I'm making a few contacts and if I find an answer, I'll reply. I agree that it's a domain issue.

We are in the process of upgrading our DC to Server Since we've been updating our company PC's to Win7, we have seen a lot of domain issues with our current old DC Server and my guess this is another. Yeah, we've held on too long. I started with Office Support and they told me it was a domain issue after many many many transfers to different people all over the world. I am currently holding for pro support for Windows and I am not any closer.

I have a domain. I spent hours on the phone this morning with Microsoft and Dell. They don't have a solution. It will run as an administrator but not as a normal user. They told me to uninstall and reinstall. Shocker that did not do anything for me.

There is a permissions issue somewhere. I have a solution for now but it depends on a third party application that connects to GPO to allow the privileges to be elevated without user interaction. If someone finds a way to elevate privileges on everything in a folder by a batch file or similar script please post it. Or if you find what file or folder needs the everyone allowed checked please post. In reply to SeanFichera's post on March 26, Has anyone found a concrete solution for this yet?

I have tried everything. Ran procmon and cleared up any access denied issues and still cant open office products as non administrator. At this point ive had no choice but to add domain users to the local admins group.

This is something that i really dont want to do long term. Any help would be appreciated. In reply to yatesit's post on May 3, I have not come across any solution for this. I have confirmed that in my case it is a domain problem. We have multiple computers with Office installed and all have the same problem.

This site in other languages x.



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